Tuesday, July 29, 2008

To Learn More...

(The below is a real ad.)

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
douche bag

To learn more about douche bag visit Britannica.com

© 2008 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Haiku for Skeletor, Part Deux

What happens when you translate and re-translate the literary classic, "Haiku for Skeletor," in various languages? Apparently... not much if you use the Google translation tool.

However, Yahoo's Babelfish does not disappoint and completely screws it up! YAY! Way to suck.

Nemesi fettleibig! Battle armament too comfortably now. Mountain Bowflex of the queue?*

*Results from English to Italian to French to German and back to English translation. Too comfortably now, indeed!

Run, Don't Walken!

"A comedy centered on three museum security guards who devise a plan to steal back the artworks to which they have become attached after they are transferred to another museum."

The above is a snippet description of an upcoming movie featuring everyone's favorite cinematic weirdo, Christopher Walken. I am already disappointed. Why? WHY? This sounds like $10 better spent on Hot Pockets and Pepto.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Haiku for Fat Skeletor

Portly nemesis!
Battle armor too snug now.
Snake Mountain Bowflex?

You Know I Love You!

Wow... just wow. There are so many things wrong with this scene. Is it just me or does he look constipated and she look pissed? Or, maybe that's just how the Feldmans roll, baby!

I question the motivation behind those tears. I suspect it's "Oh my God... that divorce lawyer is going to be expensive."

Monday, July 14, 2008

Latest Celebrity Couple: Christjelina

I "learned" over the weekend that a marriage is an eternal bond among three people: a man, a woman and the Lord. I mentioned this to my friend Jen* via IM earlier today. She pointed out that if you consider that the Lord looks just like Angelina Jolie, then this is seriously a hot idea. Good point.... DAMN good point. AMEN!
*Names have not been changed to protect the innocent. I have at least 5 friends named Jen. Anyone of them could be responsible for this epiphany! You make the call.

Coming to a Christian Music Store Near You...

While visiting the Milwaukee lakefront this weekend, Marc and Scot were inspired by a vanity plate. "All 4 God" will be recording its first studio album, "Smack My Christ Up," starting next month.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sweet Indeed

This band is hilarious:

I found them on thesixtyone.com. You should sign up there if you haven't already. And, you should tell them that I sent you (user id: pendragon), so we can share playlists and whatnots.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Things to do instead of sleeping right now...

1. Finally create historically neglected blog account...

2. Continue to wrack up points on thesixtyone.com...

3. Debate alternate phrase for "historically neglected," but fail to think of anything better...

4. Attempt to update Netflix queue and experience thwarting:

5. Search definition of "anabiosis." (Holy crap this is a cool word!)

6. Update Amazon.com wishlist with another book.

7. Spellcheck blog entry. (Haha! Spellcheck thinks "anabosis" is spelled wrong.)

8. Check bid on El Grande in BGG auction. Still winning.

9. Google "seahorse tattoo."

10. Your MOM'S a seahorse! (It's funny at 1:56AM.) "Save Now." "Publish Post."